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Our Trust of Schools



We’re looking forward to welcoming you!

Joining a new college is a very exciting step in your life and will provide you with numerous opportunities.  We know you will have many questions, and we hope our website will answer many of them, but you can also contact us at any time.


Honiton Community College transport information

Devon County Council provides free transport for students who live more than three miles from College.

If the Council is not obliged to provide transport, it is the parents’ responsibility to make arrangements for, and meet the costs of, travel between home and College.

Where spare seats on the County Council’s College transport vehicles or contractors’ vehicles are available, these may be occupied by students not entitled to free College transport on the purchase of a concessionary ticket. Adequate warning will be given to parents should the concession need to be withdrawn.

Our transport buses are Stamps Coaches and Dartline Coaches.