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Our Trust of Schools



Download our governance, policy & performance data documents here

Here you will find key policies that our governing board has adopted, these are all now available to download. If you require access to any additional information, please contact the College via the contact us page. Requests can also be made under the Freedom of Information Act.

Hand signing paperwork


We believe in Governance that strengthens communities to make the world a better place.


Hold executive leaders to account for educational performance


Discuss and scrutinise college improvement strategies


Monitor college targets and priorities

Meet the Governing Board

Local Governing Boards (LGBs) in the Tedd Wragg Trust are at the heart of our governance structure. They contextualise the Trust’s vision and values appropriately to their own school and community. Their focus is always school improvement as they both support and challenge school leaders. LGBs monitor the experience, wellbeing and safety of students, staff and the environment in which they work. They are part of the Tedd Wragg Trust “family” and encourage to contribute to the overall direction of the Trust.

At school level, the Trustees are responsible for the general control, administration and management of the Trust in accordance with the provisions set out in the memorandum and articles of association. The Board of Trustees is the accountable body of all schools within the Trust.

Details of the Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust and their Trustees can be viewed on the TWMAT website. This includes the Trust annual report, annual audited accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association, names of trustees and members and the trust funding agreement.

If you have any queries about the Trust and Trustees or you would like to get involved, please contact Clerk for the Trust

Our Governance Professional is Mrs Sarah Matthews. Should you wish to contact our Governing Body or require meeting minutes, please email Mrs Matthews at

Governor Profiles

Please click on the plus button to read the governor profiles.

Martyn Brake - Governor

photo of principal

Since graduating I have held various roles within the field of IT and I now work at the University of Exeter supporting researchers with their IT requirements. I really enjoy the variety from working in higher education and research.

I joined the Governing Body in 2021 as a Parent Governor. I appreciate the opportunity to support the college in any way possible.


Chris Harvey - Governor

photo of principal

Chris is passionate about learning and development. He has worked in the health and social care space since 1974, originally in pathology as a Chartered Scientist, then pivoting his career into regulation, inspection, compliance and audit where he drafted public performance and scrutiny reports. With significant exposure at board level as director of business development acquiring services, Chris ultimately established his own business, consulting at director level on corporate and clinical governance, audit and risk management. He continues to offer strategic support to a number of organisations. Chris has been a vice chair of governors of an independent school in Wiltshire, a governor of an independent school in Hampshire and a governor at the Royal National College for the Blind in Hereford. He is an accomplished photographer, specialising in alternative and historical techniques.


Alex Kirkbride - Principal

photo of principal

As Principal I also hold a position as a Governor for Honiton Community College. I am proud to be able to say that this will be the second governors’ post that I will be assuming. Having previously been a safeguarding governor at a Newton Abbot primary school for over 6 years, I feel well placed to be able to offer Honiton Community College’s governing board support in critical areas. I was raised in Devon and read Economic History at Exeter University. It therefore feels good to be contributing to one of our local communities, and one of the most important facets of the local Honiton community, its secondary school.

Throughout my career, I have strived to accumulate the experiences and skills required to excel in my job. Since leaving a position of senior leadership with Royal Mail, at the age of 25, I am proud to say that I have since occupied the majority of middle and senior leadership positions within secondary schools. I am eager to use my skills and experiences to benefit the students, parents and local community of Honiton, delivering a rich education to our young people.

At the time of writing this, I have been married for over 12 years to my wife Holly. With Holly also being emersed in the world of education, we have found it important to ensure that we have a broad range of interests that we can engage in as a family. We all enjoy bike riding, walking our family dog (Merlot), as well as lots and lots of football!


Chris Meek - Chair of Governors

I joined the Governing body as a Member Appointed Governor in October 2019. I strongly believe in the power of education to unlock opportunities and I was lucky enough to be taught by some exceptional teachers who sparked a passion for learning and a curiosity that continues to drive me to ask more questions! I believe in education as an enabler, and feel that education starts in the home and is then developed and nurtured by teachers and school communities who empower young people to never stop asking "but why?" I believe that all young people should be given the opportunities to meet their full educational potential and be proud of what they achieve.

I have been a professional software developer for 20 years. I started off working on games for the Playstation2 and have since worked for companies such as Volkswagen, Deluxe Media, Pfizer, and Just Eat among many others. I now run my own software consultancy from East Devon coaching clients on effective software delivery practices, product strategy, market disruption, and evidence driven methodologies.

Originally from Cornwall I moved to England at a young age and have spent most of my life in Torbay or East-Devon, settling near Honiton after working in London after graduation.


Kathy Neve - Governor

photo of principal

I am fortunate enough to have had several careers, first spending five years travelling the world as a dancer, singer and actress, and then going to Oxford University to study Mandarin Chinese amongst other languages. This was followed by a further five years working in the City of London for merchant banks and management consultancies, looking after their PR and marketing strategies. After my marriage, my husband and I moved to Devon, and with a young family to consider I decided to train as a teacher. I worked in Exeter for many years, teaching French, German, Spanish and Mandarin. I was appointed Head of Enterprise Education, and was later appointed to the role of Head of Careers and Work Related Learning. I left teaching in 2015 and worked for two years as Activities Manager in a specialist dementia care home before taking retirement.

Our two boys are now grown up and are busily pursuing their very different careers. I spend my time volunteering at the vaccination centre in Exeter and have served for many years on the civilian committee of the Honiton Air Cadet squadron. Any spare time I have is devoted to gardening, supporting the local cafés with a book in tow, and planning the next travel adventure on my list.

I am currently on the Quality of Education Committee. I am the Link Governor for Careers and I am the Duke of Edinburgh Verifier for the College.


Debbie Stuart - Governor

photo of principal

I taught in Kenya for three and a half years before returning to the UK in 1990. I spent the next nine years teaching Chemistry, Maths and other subjects as Head of Careers and PSHE at a Comprehensive School in Reading. I enjoyed sports, played hockey, and I also did voluntary work. I moved to Cheltenham in 1999 when I married Ian and taught for the next nineteen years at a school in Gloucester. I organised the staff Triathlon team and continued to enjoy cycling with our 3 children in tow on our tandem or triplet bike, covering many miles.

In 2018 we decided as a family to move to Devon and the youngest started HCC in year 10. I have been very happy in my teaching career and fortunate to teach so many amazing and inspiring students over the years. I have loved my job and continue to do supply teaching. I also attend Spanish lessons, classes at Honiton LED and am learning to play the piano.

I joined HCC as a Parent Governor in December 2019; I was Chair of the Quality of Education Committee, Vice-Chair of Pay and Performance Committees and am currently the Link Governor for SEND. I am excited for the future and look forward to becoming more involved with HCC.


Lynsey Lawrence - Governor

I joined the Governing body as a Parent Governor in May 2023. I have lived in Honiton since 2007 and was born and raised in Devon. I have 3 children currently attending Honiton Community College.

I am a qualified Project Manager with experience delivering a variety of projects in the public and private sectors. My current role involves supporting the digital services accessed by the public and industry to prepare for extreme weather events and stay safe.

Prior to joining HCC’s Local Governing Body I served as a Governor at a local Primary Academy for two years. This enabled me to build a sound knowledge of the role and expectations of governors. I am keen to play my part to enable all students to reach their full potential during their time at Honiton Community College.



Below you will find various downloads relating to Honiton Community College’s policies. Clicking the hyperlink will trigger a download in your browser which you may then open and view locally on your device.







Honiton Community College Exclusion Policy

No one likes to see their child excluded from school and we go to great lengths to prevent this from happening. Honiton Community College follows the Department for Education Guidance ‘Exclusion from Maintained Schools, Academies and Pupil Referral Units in England – A guide for those with legal responsibilities in relation to exclusion’.

Further information regarding exclusions can also be found in the College’s Behaviour Policy which can be accessed via this page.


Regulatory information

As we are a public body, we are required to publish relevant documents detailing how we achieve our stated aims. These documents can be found below, but if you require any additional information then please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact page.


Governors at Honiton Community College

Please click on the plus buttons to reveal the information below.

Current Governors

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Governor Type Length of Term Start of Term End of Term Committees Link Governor
Martyn Brake Parent Governor 4 Years 01.07.2023 30.06.2027   Health and Safety Link Governor
Christopher Harvey Co-opted Governor 4 Years 01.07.2023 30.06.2027   Safeguarding Link Governor
Alex Kirkbride Ex-Officio Whilst Principal 01.07.2023 Whilst Principal    
Lynsey Lawrence Parent Governor 4 Years 01.07.2023 30.06.2027    
Christopher Meek Co-opted Governor 4 Years 01.07.2023 30.06.2027   Chair of Governors
Kathy Neve Co-opted Governor 4 Years 01.07.2023 30.06.2027   Careers Link Governor
Deborah Stuart Co-opted Governor 4 years 01.07.2023 30.06.2027   Vice-Chair of Governors/SEND Link Governor

Governors who have left in the last 12 months

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Name Status Appointing Body Member Start/End Date Registered Interests
Jenny Rawlins Co-opted Governor Trust No 08.05.2019 - 17.10.2023 Employee at Littletown Primary Academy since 2005 (including period as Clerk to Governors 2019-2023)

Summary of Registered Interest

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Name Type of Governor Office Current Term Registered Interests
Selena Burroughs N/A Assistant Principal/Director of Post-16 N/A Related to member of staff at Sherborne Areas Schools Trust, Parent of Child at HCC, Employee of HCC
Sarah Matthews N/A Governance Professional N/A Parent of Child at HCC, Employee of HCC
Martyn Brake Parent Governor   01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027 Employee of Exeter University, Related to member of PTFA at Offwell Primary School, Parent of Child at HCC
Marie-Claire Jefferies N/A Vice Principal N/A Employee of HCC
Lynsey Lawrence Parent Governor   01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027 Met Office Employee (from April 2019), East Devon District Council Employee (Jan 2017 to April 2019), Appointed Governor at Littletown Primary Academy (December 2020 to March 2023), Related to employee of Numatic International
Kathryn Neve Co-opted Governor   01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027 Director of husband's business, Compliance Drive (since 2021) - company formed 2020 (governor and husband both own one share), Chairman, Interim Chairman and Committee member at various times of 1064 Honiton Squadron Air Cadets since 2012, Trustee of 1064 Honiton Squadron Air Cadets since 2012
Jessie Hay N/A Director of Finance and Resources N/A Previously employed at Ladysmith Infant and St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (in last 6 years), Related to a member of Quintessential Apps (set up 2013), Employee of HCC
Deborah Stuart Co-opted Governor Vice-Chair of Governors 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027 Supply Teacher at the King's School Ottery (since February 2019), Related to employee of Leisure East Devon (since August 2022), Related to a former governor at school in Guildford (ceased 2021)
Christopher Meek Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027 Member until 01.07.20203, Married to a member of College staff, Sense Making Ltd (since 02.04.2012) , uPredict Ltd (since 25.08.2023), Married to share holder in Cavana Homes, Married to Chair of Governors at the FORT Federation, Member of the Labour Party, Member of Humanists UK (since 2021), Parent of children at HCC
Christopher Harvey Co-opted Governor   01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027 Be the Business (Advisory Board Member - since March 2023), Biomatics Ltd (Health and Care Advocate - since June 2023), Gregg School, Southampton (Governor, Trustee and Director - December 2021 to January 2023), Think1Link LTD (Director - August 2014 to April 2022)
Alex Kirkbride Principal   01.07.2023 – whilst Principal Employee of HCC

Honiton Community College performance data

Please click on the plus buttons to reveal the performance data below.

KS4 Key Performance Data

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Performance Indicator 2019 Entry 2020 Entry 2021 Entry
Progress 8 score -0.48 0.15 0.22
Attainment 8 score 44.38 48.53 48.59
% of students achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and mathematics 48% 47% 47%
% of students achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in English and mathematics 64% 72% 68%
% of students achieving the EBacc 8.65% 11% 9.09%

***2021: Again the GCSE examinations were cancelled. The grades are Teacher Assessed Grades. Unlike 2020 these grades had to be supported by evidence. The evidence could come from assessments or classwork or homework. The grades were moderated by the subject teams, the senior team and the awarding bodies. We moderated 30% of the entry. The awarding bodies did not change any of our grades.

**2020 – The examinations were cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic and teachers were instructed to provide accurate assessments based on mock exams, work since the exams and general engagement in their education – these are known as Centre Assessment Grades (CAG). These grades were thoroughly analysed.

At the grade award process the exam boards applied the DfE algorithm and if a student would have gained a higher grade then they were awarded this grade.

* 2019 – this was a small cohort of 103 of which 3 students did not attend or take the examinations due to complex medical needs. In addition, another student was included in the results through the DfE roll back progress where students who have not had results included in any school are rolled back to the school they last attended. This student did not sit any GCSEs.

KS5 Key Performance Data

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Performance Indicator Academic Students Applied General Students
Cohort 24 19
Number of Entries 58 23
Average Point Score per Entry 32.84 32.61
Average Point Score Expressed as a Grade C+ D-
Retention(% of Students Completing Main Study Programme, if Available) 1 0.95
Performance Indicator Level 2 English (Those Without a Grade 4+ at KS4)
Number of Entries 5
Number Achieved Grade 4+ 4
Number Achieved Grade 5+ 1

2021 Entry : Again the A Level and BTEC examinations were cancelled. The grades are Teacher Assessed Grades. Unlike 2020 these grades had to be supported by evidence. The evidence could come from assessments or classwork or homework. The grades were moderated by the subject teams, the senior team and the awarding bodies. We moderated 30% of the entry. The awarding bodies did not change any of our grades.