Callie in Year 10 competes in the Martial Art of Muay Thai

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Callie in Year 10 competes in the Martial Art of Muay Thai

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Callie in Year 10 competes in the Martial Art of Muay Thai at the local club called Twin Tigers. She has entered IFMA (International Federation of Muay Thai Associations) Virtual World Championships 2021. Callie was recorded doing the  Wai Khru Ram Muay, Which is a ritual performed by Particpants before Fighting in Muay Thai competitions. Callie has been successful and has now reached the final 4 and is currently facing Morocco. This means she is at least number 4 in the world. Callie regularly competes and fights she has her Licence with UKMF (United Kingdom Muay Thai Federation) iMuay Thai has Now been accepted as an Olympic sport for 2024.   Well done Callie!test